Let’s Dance/I Can’t Dance (David Bowie vs Phil Collins)

Posted by on June 25th 2018

Let's Dance/I Can't Dance (David Bowie vs Phil Collins)

A lot of mashups are pretty low-hanging fruit. It’s a genre that heavily lends itself to pop and hip hop music, where everything is kind of recycled or “influenced” as it is.  While that’s how you end up with a lot of Marvin Gaye/Robin Thicke situations, ultimately there are only so many ways to arrange chords and notes of a melody.  It’s why Muse’s Uprising and Demi Lovato’s Confident go so well together – they’re pretty close to the same song at it’s core.  Plus hip hop verses go over just about anything.  Seriously – you can rap Without Me over just about any instrumental (proof).  Early on, if there was a song we wanted to do, we would just try to think about what popular hip hop song could go over it.  This can go with a lot of pop songs as well, which is why you’ll find a million mashups on YouTube of the same pop acts together.

But then you come across the ones that may not get the plays that the original Stayin Hot (which we do) or Boulevard of Broken Dreams/Wonderwall (which we did) do, but that are more impressive because of the combination of two songs that would be challenging to mashup on their own.  This is one of those mashups.

I heard Let’s Dance on the radio while getting a haircut this week and forgot how catchy that groove is. I figured there would be a huge number of good mashups to go along with it, but was surprised by how little there was.  Then I saw this and almost passed it by because I could’t picture those two going together.  Boy, was I happy to be wrong and its got a phenomenal groover from both.  Neither original should need an introduction.